Most people would say that when you put your loved ones in hospice, it means you are either giving up on them, waiting for them to die, or just wasting too much money. Let us clear that up, okay, because that is a pure misconception.
As a homecare and hospice care provider, we will educate you about the truths and myths surrounding hospice and why you should choose hospice for your terminally ill loved ones.
First of all, hospice is a home-centered philosophy that affirms life by making a person’s final days more meaningful. Meaning, hospice is a distinct healthcare option designed to provide comfort, care, and dignity to terminally ill individuals.
And we at Lake Forest Services & Lake Forest Hospice neither hasten nor promote passing but eases the transition, comforting both the individual and their loved ones.
Moreover, one of the most common myths is that hospice is a place. That’s where you’re wrong, again! In fact, hospice is a philosophy of care that can be received at the patient and their loved one’s preferred setting. A hospice caregiver in Orange County, for example, is trained and skilled to deliver care and services in various places, including at home, in a senior living facility, or in-patient if needed.
Another sad and heartbreaking misconception is that hospice hastens death. Though it is obvious that most hospice patients pass away within hospice care, it does not mean it speeds up the patient’s death. On the contrary, those who choose to receive hospice care in Lake Forest, California, may live longer than those who did not.
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